VMT Tehased AS

  • website http://www.vmt.ee
  • location Reinu tee 27 Viljandi Viljandi maakond 71010 Estonia
  • company started 2006
  • employees < 200 employees
  • revenue < 20mil
  • export % 79 % eksport
  • registry code Äriregistrikood: 11285494
icon-briefcase Teenused
  • Metallkonstruktsioonide ja nende osade tootmine

mida me saame sinu heaks teha


Metallkonstruktsioonide ja nende osade tootmine

( EMTAK 2511 )

Ettevõtte kirjeldus

VMT Tehased Ltd. is specialised in producing welded steel constructions, special bigger size industrial equipment, mechanical engineering products, heating equipment and appliance parts. Subcontracting. The company has more than 30 years of experience in manufacturing and assembling of steel constructions.

key contacts

Daniel Savka Müügijuht +37253314704
Martin Lehemets Tootmisjuht +37253314705